Tuesday, June 23, 2015


I’m sure some of you have noticed that I’ve been a little bit less active than normal. There’s definitely a good reason for it.

Several months ago, my facility finally opened officially, and instead of sitting around, waiting for something to happen, we grew from two to seventeen in no time flat. During that time, it gave me a good chance to reevaluate my life’s goals, and the direction that I’m taking.

As my husband and I talked and pondered and prayed, we came to the decision that it’s time to expand our family. This decision wasn’t easy to make. Last year, we found out that chances of having kids is slim to almost none. We considered in-vitro, but even that doesn’t have the greatest projected outcome for us. Since I was young, I always said I would adopt, and now, we’re working on making that a reality.

We looked into both fostering and adoption. We would love to foster someday, but right now, we feel that adoption is the right path. So for the past 2-3 months, we’ve worked on all the preliminary papers: the home study, the reference forms, background checks, doctor’s physicals… and everything in between.

Earlier this month, we were finally approved to adopt. But that means that now we’re playing the waiting game. We’re waiting for someone to choose us to love their child. I can’t even imagine how difficult that decision would be.

We would love for you to spread the word for us. The more people who see our profile, the greater the chance we have of finding the right match, and the child who will make our family complete.

Thank you!

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