I have a question for all of you reader-writers out there.
How much do you read reviews? Especially before reading something?
I’m finally through with the first two books in the
Divergent series and just bought the third.
Unfortunately, I read a few of the reviews because I was curious. And a lot of them were not positive, which
was disappointing. I hadn’t meant to do
it, and I don’t think I’ve ever read reviews before reading a book.
Now that I’ve read the reviews, I feel like I’m going into
the book with my perception already tainted.
I love reading reviews after reading a book or watching a movie because
I enjoy comparing my own opinions to the opinions of others. But knowing their opinions before reading
makes me look for what the other readers pointed out.
So my question is: Do you read reviews before reading a
book? Do you read reviews at all?
I agree with you, Krista; I tend not to read reviews before reading a book. Occasionally, like you, I will read them afterwards, simply to see if other readers have the same opinion as I do.